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September 06, 2008


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This was not just a summer time ideal weather, it was a complete on blizzard. It searched more like the center of winter weather than the center of summer!

Cindy Rose

What a fabulous project this was. Is it possible for a fat old American broad to buy a chuba? I live in Wyoming and I could sure use one. Thank you for your loving-kindness for these children.


Fabulous. My goodness you need a nobel! That photo 4 inches under snow really depicts how cold it must be there - & how much, I'm sure, those children really appreciated feeling warm. Congratulations. Any updates for a new project?


Good work. I am pleased to come across this site and to recommend it as one of my favorite links. All the best!



Thanks for the comment!


Yeah, inspiring story. Thank you for maintaining this site so well, so many of us have the opportunity to appreciate a little more of what's in Tibet.


Hey, I just read about your project and think that it's amazing. I'm researching spending some time in Asia next year and this inspired me to add Tibet to my itinerary.

David Murray

Really glad you were able to make this happen, Jamin. Great update.


Laker31, Thanks for the comment. We are hoping to do another project like this in '10 so maybe you can help me out then (even come with me). I will keep you updated.

take care!


ben...good to hear from you as well. We are out of Tibet for the moment and are enjoying the warmth and food of Thailand.


Hi Losang. What an incredible and inspiring story. I wish I had known, I probably could have made some type of donation. You will have to keep me updated on your next project. Best to you and your family, and good luck with the new addition.


good work, man. it's cool that the chuba was made locally. how are you guys?

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