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March 27, 2009


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good info

Abe Hofman

Hi Suzan,

Me and a friend of mine are trying to get to Tibet in early July (8th).

How did you arrange your Visum? What did you pay?

We would like to join. The prices are pretty high..


Abe and Lucas (dutch students, 22)


Jean...that's funny...I spend about 3 hours each day answering emails (and my staff spend another 5 hours each day)!! Try sending me an email to [email protected] for more info regarding Tibet travel.



Hi Losang, you never seem to respond to your emails. Can you recommend a Tibet tour for honeymoon? [email protected]

ken Rosmarin

What is the cheapest way to get a Tibet travel permit. please provide Travel agent name and email, city and phone number.

than you
[email protected]

Tibet Train

I want take a train to Tibet in Oct.


Hi, we are two mid-aged Canadian English teachers working in Korea and planning to head out to Tibet in early July. Anyone want to share a jeep and driver ...?

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