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April 05, 2010


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Thanks, Losang. I much appreciate your help.



Yes, civilians flights to Yushu from Xining take place each day. Sometime the airport is closed due to heavy snow. Tickets will need to be purchased through an air ticket office in Xining.



Have civilian flights began again from Xining to Yushu? In February 2010 I bought an eticket from CTrip but now Yushu has disappeared from the site. Any info you have would be very welcome. I plan to travel again in Feb. 2011



I agree...by taking the flight you miss all the rich nomad Tibetan culture that can be found between Xining and Jyekundo. I don't know if I will ever take the flight!


Hello Losang,
Thank you for your article. I went to Yushu two years ago because I saw wonderful pictures on your website.
As Losang say there is a new airport but you will miss the wonderful and amazing landscape between Xining and Jyekundo.
See you,

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