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April 17, 2010


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Nicolas Meletiou

Hello, can anybody help to find Mr.Rinzin Norbu (Santos Lama) from Kathmandu or his son H.H. Holyness name is Losang Wantshue Rimpoche.

Thank you for any help!

Kind regards

Nicolas Meletiou
[email protected]


Losang, thank you. I am a Chinese student, now studying in Austria. With the help of Student Union, we are going to hold a "Donation Night" at school, to collect warm clothes and raise donations as well. Hope can work out! Take care, you and your family!



i am a first english learner,call Wa Jia. thank you to worry about my homeland, there have a lot misreble things and events ocurry everyday, but only a few people know what was happened in the yu shu area. hope you are keeping to care about this place like before more, and show more real events for other people.


Losang, this is great that you're able to keep many of us informed about Yushu. Thank you.

That said, I find it disgusting that some people find it appropriate to use your site to post disguised commercial messages. I'm talking about the one headed 'God Bless China' and the most recent one with the baby picture from Alice Zain and a url to a transport bus company in India. Why these people think that a disaster like this can be turned in to an opportunity to make a buck $ out of the suffering of others defies me. Losang, why not remove their postings from your site. I am sure that you are entitled to do this!



I was not able to go out to the Leba Valley since it lies off of the main Xining-Jyekundo Highway. My guess is that the region around Leba is okay since most of the small villages north of the Gyanak Mani were spared major damage. I have heard updates each day and have not heard any reports of major damage in the areas north of the Gyanak Mani, including Leba.

L Sophia

We have hosted a group of monks from Kharnang Monastery - does anyone know know how that area was affected by this earthquake?


Losang - Thank you very much for this information. Yes, I know Xiew too and have friends there - One Thangka painter and his family. I just don't have any contact with them though. No phone numbers and in any case, my Tibetan and Chinese language skills are poor poor. Thank you again Losang - Wishing you and your family and everyone in the region freedom from suffering and long life. Dave


Hi the valley just north of Jiegu , which has little settlements dotted along it and is very pretty in summer, was that not so affected then if it was also north ? although Jiegu town is obviously an economic hub and lifeline to services for them.
also the 'Princess Wengcheng temple" and the liebu valley do you know how they fared there?


Dave....The areas north of Jyekundo, especially 72kms north, were not affected by the earthquake. Even the town of Xiew, 49kms north of Jyekundo, was not affected. I think the area that you are referring to is okay. I drove through the area and did not notice any problems. The destruction was very localized to Jyekundo and to some outlying areas to the west.


Lobsang - I too am so sorry at the huge loss suffered by the people of Yushu prefecture. I have been to Yushu a number of times while working on a project in Kharnang about 72 km north of Yushu on the main Xining road. I haven't heard from any friends there and I am concerned about their health. If you hear anything from Kharnang Gompa and Gesar Sherab School in Kharnang, please post information to this site. Thank you. I send my strongest prayers to everyone.

Mary Bennett

Thank you for the report and for helping. We are helping through Rokpa.ca and also through Thranguemergency.org. Your updates are appreciated. Thankfully you and your family survived.


Many thanks to all of you who have left comments. To make a donation, go to:


All proceeds go to the people of Yushu. I will write another update when I can.


I am so sorry to hear of all the devastation, you and your family and all those around you are in my thoughts and prayers.


I just want to say how sad I am to hear about the events in Yushu this past week. I toured the area with your help back in 2007. Thank you for the amazing experience Losang! you do great work!

I am relieved to hear you and your family survived. I have been praying for everyone I met along the way...Gompo and the lovely Tibetan family we had lunch with outside of Jyekundo. Also the many monks who welcomed us along the way.

My husband and I are donating some money to the charity you suggested on TT. I am going to share that link on my FB tonight. I know that even a little bit of USD can go a long way in that region.

Blessings to you and the people of Yushu!

Shauna Norberg Larrabee
Portland,Maine USA


I am so glad that you and your family are okay. It must be very hard to deal with the horrors of this disaster, and still keep us updated, but we really appreciate it. I am passing this information on to as many people as I can.

Stay safe. My thoughts are with you and you family, as well as everyone affected by the quake.


Tsering Choemphel

thank you for sharing information on ground level situation of earthquake in Yushu.This is indeed very sad to hear on it.Our prayers for all and may their souls rest in peace.


I have two Tibetan friends over there. They are ok and help other people now.
I think China will pour money immediately to rebuild Jyekundo again


Wow. I am speechless. You guys have been and will be on my mind regularly. I'm sorry.
Tahsi Delek!

Account Deleted

Losang,i wish that your family will recover from the trauma soon. My deepest sympathy to people in Jyekundo Yushu.


Losang, I wish you, your family and friends all the strength. Bonny


Losang, thank you for taking time to let the 'outside' world know about this terrible earthquake. I'm glad to know that you and your family weren't injured but am really sad to hear that there are so many people dead and injured and that the town of Jyekundo is destroyed, I'm hoping that Nangchen a young guide I know from Jyekundo had the same chance as you did. I'm sending the link to this blog to all the people that I know are concerned by Tibet and especially the Tibetan community in France. I wish you and your family the best of luck for these coming days, life isn't going to be easy.
best wishes

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