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June 18, 2010


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It's completely gone as you mentioned. Got some pics. from same view as yours no. 4 and the last. Doomed.



In my opinion the tents were fine. They are insulate and are waterproof. Over the years, the government has issued the same tents to Tibetan nomads who were victims of snow disasters. If these tents can hold up at 16,000 feet in -30C temperatures, I am sure they will be okay in Jyekundo where the weather is considerable less extreme.

As with any type of major disaster, you are never going to please everyone with the reconstruction plan. All I hope is that they will rebuild the town in traditional Tibetan design rather than ugly concrete Chinese style! I hope the local Tibetans are able to give their opinion on how their town should be rebuilt.


with appreciation for your updates-i read that the tents issued were not insulated and that donations were need for better tents..was that your impression as well?

and are donations from NGO's and TSG's getting through to where needed? what is needed most at this stage and how to get it there?

i can't imagine jyekundo- -gone!? totally, gone!!- - talk about teachings on impermanence.

sounds like the government has been very effective in clean up efforts, how do most of the tibetan's feel about the kind of rebuilding that will be done? Is jyekundo likely become to become heavily populated by chinese and no longer be a Tibetan area?

when you have time, i'd love to hear back from you again: [email protected]

safe travels and thanks again for being a trusted voice from jyekundo..barbara

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