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September 21, 2010


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Harper Cosper

Lhasa is such a majestic place. Good thing travel there is more accessible today. Many can now enjoy the beauty and culture of the Himalayas. Thanks for the wonderful post.

Nghi Ng

Super excited as I am visiting in mid November!!!
Once again, thank you so much for all the information you provided...definitely great help for a solo backpacker like me!!!


I traveled just a bit through Kham in February this past year and it was fantastic. Cold, surely, and with most places we stayed not having heat or running water. But all the mountains were brilliantly covered with snow, many nomads were wintering in the towns, and in the sun it was not too terribly cold. I'd like to travel more in the region this coming winter!
**The only negative aspect of winter travel that I can tell is that the roads through Ganzi prefecture, mostly bad all the time, are made just a bit more dangerous by some icy sections. (On the other hand, the summer rains cause landslides that block the roads.)

Dominique Tournut

I totally agree with you : Lhasa in winter is really interesting, there are so many pilgrims from all over Tibet and although it might be cold at night, it's really enjoyable. This was our first trip to Central Tibet (in 2007) and we took the train from Beijing to Lhasa (and back from Lhasa to Beijing) : an astonishing ride, especially when you go up the Tibetan Plateau. Of course, we also visited different places such as Shigatse, Gyantse, Kumbum, Samye etc... and had the opportunity to witness the change of prayer flags poles in Samye (this is done once a year, at the time of Losar). In a nutshell, Central Tibet in winter is really beautiful and, as you say, not crowded at all by foreigners or Chinese tourists.


Ben...I hope your time in Tibet is amazing. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.


Account Deleted

Very impressed with your blog and current articles! I'm going to Tibet this Spring Festival and will refer to your blog more and more in the coming weeks.

Great photos too!

Jarden Sitepu

I am searching information on traveling to Lhasa and around on upcoming winter 20 of Dec to early January. I found you thru Spinn Cafe. I was worry chosing winter as first time coming to Tibet but seems your story encouriging me with my family to go. Thanks a lot. Bless you.


Thank you for the post and the amazing photos, makes me excited about my upcoming tibet trip. I'll be going in Nov and would like to cover EBC and Namtso lake, however, the travel agency says that it will be difficult because of the cold weather to reach Namtso lake and that the tents will be removed at EBC in Nov. In your experience, is this true? Can you give me some idea of the weather in Nov, e.g. temperature, mainly snowy days or sunny days?
Any info you have would be helpful to me in planning my trip. Many thanks in advance.


Edmund...Let me know if you will be in Tibet next year. I have plenty of advice on what to see, what to do and which travel agencies to use.


Very nice and informative site. Will be checking it out for my next yr vacation plans as Tibet is on one of my to-go list (exhausted my vacation this year already).

Captain Kimo

Lovely set of great photos, I have to check it all out when I have some more time :-)


Thank you for the post. I am trying to decide what to do this xmas and Tibet was in my mind, but hesitated do to the weather...From what I've read, it doesn't seem to be that bad...



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