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December 10, 2010


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douwe wybenga

Dear Sir,
We want to travel from Danba to Songpan with a bus or minivans. we are with 8persons (5 adults and 3 kids). Can you tell us what the best route we can take. We want to go from danba to markaeg or zoige and than go to songpan to vissit the huoglong park. please can you give advise about oure route.

With regards

Douwe wybenga


Yes, the grasslands were wonderfully beautiful and expansive. The town of Ruergai itself is unpleasantly dry and dusty and the hotels ridiculously overpriced for what one gets. By the way, sadly, Maerkang does not want to rent rooms to Foreigners, which is an extreme inconvience as one can not get a bus south and onward to Danba until 7am the following morning.Do they expect us to sleep out in the fields with the Yaks? It seems they are trying to control all of the Tibetan grassland area.

Alan Kelly

I visited here, reading about the land of snows from the relative comfort of indoor living in Montreal, Quebec. It's winter.

I came here while listening to an interview of community health care workers in Surmang.


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