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May 23, 2011


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Tatjana K. Schulz

Can anyone recommend a reliable travel agency to travel from the USA to Tibet and Nepal? Thank you for your response.


Every time when i travel to Tibet i will feel it is a pace of haven.It is great place to visit.


Tibet usually closes to foreign travelers from late February until early April. As long as you plan your trip for the first half of February, you should be fine.


Saurabh Nagar

is it true that one cannot visit tibet during chinese new year (Feb)? I have most of my holidays then and would like to visit, please guide me to an agent or tourist agency. Thanks

carmen santana-perocier

I would like to viste in the winter what kind of clothing will I really need?


today i see ur photos very nice n i miss my Tibet


Tibet is the next on my list. Even tho my home land is closer to Tibet I never had a chance to visit this beautiful country!

Blake Weddel

Tibet is probably the most majestic place in the world. No words can describe it's beauty. Even if the journey is hazardous - since there are very few roads to it - the trip should be worth it. I'm seriously planning on taking a vacation there.

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